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The appreciation and enjoyment of visual arts enriches all our lives. Our intent is to ensure a high quality art and design curriculum that engages, inspires and challenges all children. Children will develop an open-minded and creative approach to the art that they encounter. We endeavour for children to develop confidence in pursuing their own ideas and experiments and encourage children to take inspiration from the work of others. In a variety of contexts that reflect our creative curriculum, the children will become proficient in a range of skills within the key areas of art and design: drawing, printing, painting, sculpting and collage. To supplement this, they will learn to use subject-specific vocabulary to thoughtfully comment and critically analyse the art they see and the techniques that are used. Children at St. Lawrence are given the opportunity to appreciate a variety of historical and cultural influences, including significant artists, craft makers and designers. We also recognise the importance of contemporary influences from a variety of cultural backgrounds and ensure the children are exposed to and inspired by these.

Curriculum Art