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Christian Distinctiveness

Christian Distinctiveness

At St Lawrence C.E Primary School we work hard to develop and sustain the school’s Christian distinctiveness. We work in close partnership with Holy Trinity Church and make regular visits as a school. At St Lawrence, we embody the Church of England’s vision for education – that there should be no artificial choice between academic rigor and the well-being of our pupils – a good education must promote life in all its fullness. We are inspired by the life and work of Jesus and His followers.

Collective Worship

At St Lawrence, we celebrate collective worship as a whole school, in Key Stage groups and as classes. Our worship is rooted in the Bible and the Christian relationship with God, so whether we are learning about global issues, our school and British values or our relationships, mental health and well-being, we refer back to God in reflective thoughts, His word, in song and prayer. St Lawrence has a valuable link with our local church – Holy Trinity Church – but also with other churches in our village. Throughout the year, Harvest and Christmas services are held at Holy Trinity Church.


We value prayer in our daily school lives: for thanks, guidance and protection. Prayers are used in our Worship assemblies, at lunchtime and at the end of the day. We have Worship Leaders, who actively encourage and develop the prayer life of our school.

Faith in Arts

At St Lawrence, we take part in the national Spirited Arts Competition every other year – with the work displayed in Holy Trinity Church.

Community Relationship

Our school community is important to us but so is our community link with the village of Hurstpierpoint and with our global community. We are blessed with a variety of church links, particularly our link with Holy Trinity Church. Every year, as a community, we support others where we can. At harvest time, we donate food to local charities, our local community and special families. Before Christmas, we are involved in giving shoebox gifts to vulnerable communities across the world. We are also involved in raising money for a range of charities at various times during the year, e.g. Children in Need, Red Nose Day, etc.


Here is our School Prayer