Emotional Health and Well-being
If you are concerned that your child is at risk of harm, please dial 999 and/or take them to your nearest A&E department.
Senior Mental Health Lead
The Department for Education encourage all schools and colleges to identify a Senior Mental Health Lead who will have strategic oversight of their setting’s whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing. Mrs Abi Ralph has completed this training and takes on this role for St Lawrence.
Universal provision
PSHCE education is a key part of our curriculum. It equips pupils to adopt healthy behaviours and strategies from an early age and to seek trustworthy support when they or their friends need it.
Through the mandatory health education curriculum, pupils are taught:
• how to recognise the early signs of mental/emotional wellbeing concerns
• where and how to seek support
• whom they should speak to in school if they’re worried about their own or someone else’s emotional health and wellbeing
We use tools such as Zones of Regulation to teach children how to recognise, manage and self-regulate when they experience different emotions and feelings.
Strong relationships
Class teachers and teaching assistants know the children very well and work hard to establish strong relationships. Staff work closely with families to ensure children are supported effectively.
Ethos of the school and a sense of belonging
At St Lawrence, staff and children feel a sense of belonging. We use the ethos of the school, our vision and our values to ensure this.
Targeted Provision
If you feel your child would benefit from one of the following interventions, please contact Mrs Abi Ralph who will manage referrals.
ELSA support
When pupils are identified as needing more emotional support, they can be referred for Emotional Literacy support. Mrs Amy Marshall is our ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant). Pupils generally work with Mrs Marshall for 6 sessions (30 minutes a week). Sessions are planned according to the individual needs of the child and parents are updated by Amy via email.
Nurture groups
Pupils have the option to attend a nurture group at break times if they would benefit from a quieter break time instead of the busy playground and outside areas.
Lego Therapy
We have several members of staff who are trained to deliver Lego Therapy.
Mental Health First Aid
Mrs Abi Ralph has completed Mental Health First Aid training. This course provides the skills and confidence to spot the signs of mental health issues in a young person, offer first aid and guide them towards the support they need.
Specialist Provision
For children who require more specialist intervention there are many services we can seek support from. The most common referrals we make are to the following agencies:
SPoA – West Sussex Single Point of Access is a service that incorporates the NHS. We can refer here for any mental health concern. Parents/carers can also refer using this link: www.e-wellbeing.co.uk/support
Community Mental Health Liaison Team – We can organise a consultation to discuss a child with a mental health professional through NHS Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust.
Play Therapy – We work closely with local play therapists.
Privately funded support - We are very happy to provide families with recommendations for private counselling and/or play therapy.
Early Help/Enabling Families – We can refer to the West Sussex Integrated Front Door who will triage each case and may offer family support.
Young Carers – When a child is in a caring role, we can refer to Young Carers who can offer emotional support alongside more practical support and respite.
There are many helplines and websites for children and families to access.
Emotional Health & Wellbeing Newsletters
Hub Sessions
Emotional Health & Wellbeing 13/03/2024
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