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Our Governors

The Board of Governors consists of nominated members of the Parochial Church Council and the Diocese and elected parents and staff.  The Head Teacher and Parish Priest are ex-officio governors.   The Governors are responsible for policy decisions, school financial management and for ensuring that standards and performance are maintained and improved.  In pursuing these responsibilities, they work closely with the Head Teacher and members of the Senior Leadership Team to achieve the best possible outcomes for pupils at the school.  Governors are initially appointed for a term of four years, whereupon they may be re-elected for a further four years.  Governors are overseen by the Members of the Academy Trust.

There are at least three full governing body meetings per year and one full governors’ budget meeting.  The Governing Body has established the following committees to review the key elements of its work:

Terms of reference for each of these can be accessed by clicking on the relevant committees, which meet at least once a term.   Meetings of the panels (admissions, Head Teacher’s appraisal, pay, disciplinary and appeal) are held when required.

The report and accounts of the academy trust are published annually.  An annual meeting is held with the School’s Trustees.

The current Governors are:

Mr Ian McBain, Chair Mrs Alison Dobson
Mrs Marianne Brand, Head Teacher Mrs Laura Mumford
Mr Richard Barham Miss Emily Pallot
Mr Duncan Codd Mrs Jenny Blacker
Mrs Lesley Corbett Mr Tom Swayne
Mrs Ruth Marsden Mrs Ali Verheul

The safeguarding governor is Ali Verheul and the governor responsible for Special Educational Needs is Lesley Corbett.

Governors who have served over the last twelve months are required to inform us of any relevant business or pecuniary interests, as well as any governance roles in other educational establishments (as recorded in the Register of Interests 2023-24).  No governor has any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives).

The Chair, Ian McBain, may be contacted via the School office.

Governors’ Reports

Report and Accounts for Period to 31 August 2023

Report and Accounts for Period to 31 August 2022

Audit Findings Report for Period to 31 August 2022

Report and Accounts for Period to 31 August 2021

Report and Accounts for Period to 31 August 2020

Funding Agreement

Articles and Memorandum of Association

Governors’ Attendance at Meetings

Full meetings of the governing body

Finance, audit and risk committee meetings

Premises, health & safety and sustainability committee meetings

Performance and standards committee meetings

Staff and pupil welfare committee meetings