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SEND and Inclusion

Every child deserves to be successful in learning and in life, and at some point during their school careers, each child will have individual needs for which they require support. Being educators, we are in a unique position where a significant proportion of each child’s time is spent with us. This allows strong relationships to be built so that we can respond and adapt to each need your child has. At St. Lawrence, every member of staff is also an important member of the SEND team, and by following the guidance set out by the SEND Code of Practice (2015) and our own SEND policy (see link below), we hope to provide an inclusive educational environment for all.

Our SEND policy below outlines each level of support that your child may receive. Our Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCO), Mr. Ed Smith, coordinates the provision at St. Lawrence and is informed when a class teacher identifies any concern. At their level of support, appropriate provision is implemented as soon as possible, and our aim is to ensure that all our children are able to succeed and feel safe at school. Ongoing co-production is an important part of this process, so parents are contacted at the earliest opportunity and kept informed of their child’s progress. We value our partnership between school and home and encourage parents to approach us to share any concerns.

The broad areas of SEND need are:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
  • Sensory and/or Physical

Mr Smith works closely with pupils, families and specialist support services to help all children fulfil their potential. If you have any questions regarding inclusion or SEND provision, please call 01273 833229 or email senco@stlawrencehurst.co.uk 
Alternatively, Mr Smith holds bookable half hour parent meetings each Thursday afternoon. If you would like to book a slot, please call the office on 01273 833229 or email at office@stlawrencehurst.co.uk 

Our SEND PolicyOur SEND Information ReportWest Sussex Local Offer