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Our Curriculum Intent

At St Lawrence CE Primary School, we deliver a creative, stimulating and purposeful curriculum that provides a broad and balanced education for all. Just like our school, our curriculum is unique: it reflects the individual needs of our children and the wider school community. At the heart of our curriculum are our five school values: respect, kindness, aspiration, collaboration and resilience. These underpin everything we do at St. Lawrence.

We follow a topic-based approach, with subjects taught in a cross-curricular way where legitimate links can be made. This allows pupils to be completely immersed in an area of study.  Early reading is a window to the rest of the curriculum and high-quality texts sit at the centre of each topic.  Embedded within the curriculum are the essential skills, knowledge and understanding that pupils need to prepare them for the next stage of their education and their wider lives. There is a sequential approach to the organisation of the curriculum, meaning each new unit builds on pupils’ prior knowledge and links key threads between and within the different curriculum areas. The curriculum is based on up-to-date educational and pedagogical research into the ways that children learn best. We continue to refine and adapt our approach in response to developments in this area.

Pupils engage in wide range of stimulating, fun and purposeful learning activities.  Real-life experiences are threaded through the curriculum: in every year group, children experience a wide range of external trips, visitors and themed weeks which support the learning in the classroom.

Our inclusive and diverse curriculum fosters enquiring minds and empowers pupils to flourish and fly, whilst taking ownership of their learning. By the end of their time at St. Lawrence, we aim to produce confident learners with a thirst for new experiences and knowledge.

Useful websites to support pupils:

BBC Skillswise

BBC Bitesize

Primary Resources

ICT Games

Primary Homework Help

Primary Games

White Rose Maths Resources

Topmarks Maths Games

Oak National Academy