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Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education

PSHCE is at the heart of the school and supports everything we do to enable our children to become respectful, kind, aspirational, resilient and collaborative citizens. Weaving through the PSHCE curriculum is a commitment to enhancing and promoting our core values and the Christian ethos of the school. We intend that our PSHCE curriculum will prepare and equip our pupils with the knowledge, language, understanding and strategies they need as they become increasingly independent and confident in our diverse world and society. We want each individual to fulfil their full potential and live a safe and healthy life, allowing them to make a positive contribution. In collaboration with parents and carers, we intend to provide a relevant and bespoke curriculum, which is reflective of the changing world we live in. This is based on the needs of the pupils and will build on their prior understanding in order to help safeguard their present and future. Our intent is that all children leave our school with a growing understanding of themselves and others, knowing what it means for them to be and stay safe and well.

Curriculum PSHCE