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Pupil Premium Information

Pupil Premium Funding

Number of Pupils and Pupil Premium Funding Received
Total number of pupils on roll 602
Total number of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium Grant 53
School-led tutoring grant £4,785
Total amount of Pupil Premium Funding received £51,910

The allocations are based on pupils on roll in September 2022 and free school meal history.


The Pupil Premium is a government initiative designed to target resources on those pupils deemed to be from a disadvantaged background.  Pupil Premium money is provided for those pupils who have been eligible for free school meals at any point over the past 6 years or those children who are or have been looked after.

The government have not dictated how the Pupil Premium money should be spent, but what is clear is that the money should be used to promote strategies which narrow the attainment gap between those children eligible for Pupil Premium funding and those who are not eligible. 

Please click here to read our Pupil Premium strategy/self-evaluation report.

How the Pupil Premium Funding is used at St Lawrence

We write a summary and update of our strategy approximately every three months. Please click here for an up-to-date report.

The St Lawrence Hub

Regular coffee mornings are timetabled for parents to come into school for a chat and to discuss key issues. Please click here to see any upcoming dates.

If parents/carers are not receiving personal invitations to these mornings and would like to be added to the list, please contact Abi Ralph via the School Office.

Applying for Pupil Premium

If you think your child may be eligible for free school meals and/or pupil premium, please complete the application form which can be found on the West Sussex County Council website or ask at the school office.