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The School Day

The school day begins at 8.40am, when the school gates are opened. Children in Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and Year 2) enter via the gates on Cuckfield Road. The children will be greeted by an adult from their class and this is an opportunity for parents/carers to pass on quick messages. Key Stage 2 children enter via the driveway on Trinity Road. There are always staff members on duty at this entrance.

The Cuckfield Road entrance is locked at 8.55am and the Trinity Road entrance is locked at 8.50am. Any children arriving after this time will need to entre via the school’s main entrance.

Within the school day, the children will experience learning activities that address the different curriculum areas. More information on our broad, balanced and creative curriculum can be found on the Curriculum and Assessment page of our website.

The learning time during the mornings is often focused on English, maths and reading. Each class has a morning break. The timings for these are staggered between 10.10am and 11am so that there are a limited number of children outside at any one time.

Each day, the children attend collective worship sessions which are usually held in the school’s large hall.

Monday – collective worship theme for the week is introduced – led by Mrs Brand
Tuesday – collective worship on weekly theme – led by a member of the collective worship team, made up from members of the clergy/volunteers in local churches
Wednesday – Singing Assembly – led by Mrs B/Miss Axtell
Thursday – class collective worship (bible story) – led by class teachers
Friday – Celebration Assembly – led by Mrs Brand

Lunch breaks are also staggered across the school from 11.45am until 1.15pm. Children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 eat in the Small Hall and children in Key Stage 2 eat in their classrooms.

The school day ends at 3.10pm in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 and at 3.15pm in Key Stage 2. This allows time for parents to collect from both school entrances. Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children are collected from the Cuckfield Road playground. Children in Key Stage 2 are collected from the playground accessed via the driveway on Trinity Road.

Parents of children in Years 5 and 6 may give permission for their children to walk independently to and from school. Staff members have lists of these children and will allow them to leave without an adult.

When extra-curricular clubs are running, these end at different times depending on the club. Parents/carers should check the collection time. All children attending clubs should be collected from the driveway on Trinity Road.